Thank You Poems for
Persons - Events - & Holidays

Winter Scene - Blue Sky and Sunlit Trees in Deep Snow

Thank you poems - inspirational, encouraging, thoughtful ...

• for the stars in our lives - beginning with God - including family, friends, teachers, pastors, fellow students and workers

• blessings for special occasions - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, retirement, funerals

• for yearly holidays - a good time to give thanks. Holidays are "teachable moments" to remind us and others to show gratitude.

Click here for  2  FREEDOM  POEMS



Friday, February 14, 2024Valentine's Day

Wednesday, March 5, 2024Ash Wednesday

Wed March 5 - Sat April 19, 2024Season of Lent

Monday, March 17, 2024Saint Patrick's Day

Sunday, April 13, 2024Palm Sunday

Friday, April 18, 2024Good Friday

Sunday, April 20, 2024Easter Sunday

Sun April 20 - Sun June 15, 2024Easter Season

Tuesday, May 6, 2024Teacher Appreciation Day

Sunday, May 11, 2024Mother's Day

Thursday, May 29, 2024Ascension Thursday

Sunday, June 8, 2024Pentecost Sunday


Because this site is, on a semi-regular basis I post one or more verses taken from the Bible, usually on the themes of either gratitude or stars, for inspiration and encouragement.

Jesus, filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, said:

O Father, Lord of heaven and earth

     I thank you    

that you have hidden these things
from the wise and the learned,
and have revealed them to the little ones.

Yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.

--- Matthew 11:25-26; Luke 10:21---

     I give thanks to my God
at every remembrance of you,    

praying always with joy
in every prayer of mine for all of you,

because of your partnership for the gospel
from the first day until now.

--- The Apostle Paul to the Philippians 1:3-5 ---

Website Blessing Prayer

     by Paul Berchtold, January, 2011

Lord, bless this site and make it be,
A place of peace, serenity,

Where people come in all their ranks
And leave inspired full of thanks.

A place to flitter like the bee,
All kinds of lovely things to see,

And take the time more deeply ponder,
Your gifts, your graces, all your wonder.

Bless each one, who here reads,
With fresh ideas, like little seeds,

To plant in hearts and keep it growing,
An abundant river overflowing.

So here on earth and at your door,
We'll thank you now and evermore.



             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share this poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.


Pastors, Church Workers, Teachers, Announcers, etc.

You're welcome to publicly use and share these poems
in programs, speeches, sermons, bulletins, bulletin boards
provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

Welcome ... thank you for visiting !

Special Message for our Times

Read the inspiring Words and Story of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, so appropriate for our times.

---- Blessings and Peace!

Thank you for visiting this website. Special thanks and blessings for all those say a kind prayer for me.

May the Good Lord bless us, and keep us in His peace.

Many leaders and people are reacting to situations in opposite ways, causing confusion to many.

Jesus says, "The thief has come to kill, steal, and destroy. I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly." (John 10:10)

God, in His mercy and justice, is allowing these situations to unmask evil and bring forth good, and call more people to follow His path to Heaven.

"For where sin abounds, there grace abounds more." (Romans 5:20)

At this time, when there is so much lies, misinformation and uncertainty, how can we make good decisions?

We trust God, who gives us the Holy Spirit, who comes with His inspirations, gifts, blessings, protections. He is a Friend, Counselor, Guide, Advocate. He gives true wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.

He enlightens, guides, encourages, and inspires His people. United with the powerful armies of Heaven, we are enabled and empowered to stand strong against evil, and be an unstoppable force for good.

God wishes that all men - even wicked people - be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth - provided that they repent - so that He can forgive them.

Probably the hardest person for the early church to pray for was Saul, who was breathing death and slaughter against God's people. He was organizing a revolution and persecution against God's people when God intervened, thanks to the prayer of St. Stephen, the first church martyr.

And look how much good Saul, renamed Paul, did, and continues to do, through his writings, the Epistles in the New Testament of the bible.

Let us earnestly pray for the repentance and conversion to Christ of many lost souls before it is too late and they are condemned to hell.

God wishes to forgive before a person dies and He has to judge.

His Glory is bursting forth with power and might!

His Love conquers the hate.

His Life conquers the culture of death.

His Light conquers the darkness.

It's time for the real stars.

It's showtime!

Thank your stars!

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