2 Poems for Grandparents

Sunlight and Shade on Pumpkin

These poems for grandparents can be used anytime.

We appreciate the lives of our grandparents.

We celebrate their legacy.

We cherish their memory in prayer, love, and devotion.

We hope to meet them in heaven.

These poems can also be used to inspire and encourage our grandparents.

We owe them so much. We wouldn't be alive without them.

You are welcome to use and share these poems poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

If any of your grandparents are living, use a thank you poem to show your love for your grandparents - on Grandparents Day.

And all through the year, it should go without saying ...

14. Blessings to You, Grandma and Grandpa

     by Paul Berchtold, August 2010

Blessings to you, Grandma and Grandpa.
We pray the Good Lord bless you always.
He knows your sorrows, He is Gentle Peace.
May He fill you with joy, all your days.

As we get older, we can't turn back the clock,
To the way things used to be.
But we walk forward, with the help of His Hand,
To a better home, in eternity.

Not doubt there's been, many a struggle,
Many a trial, sorrow and pain.
The longer we live, these things happen,
God is turning it into much gain.

The joys and sorrows, the good and the bad,
These things have made you so gentle and wise,
With the angels, I too want to say,
You are so very precious, in His eyes.

God gave you faith, to walk with Him.
He is your hope, despite tired feet.
You have a big heart of His love.
Thank you for being so sweet.

Thank you for showing, in a little way,
God's Goodness and Kindness and Love,
Sometimes you spoil us, just a little bit,
And sometimes you give, a little firm shove.

That's because you're handing over the torch,
Leaving a precious legacy,
Teaching life's lessons, and pointing the way,
To what really counts, our destiny.

We thank you and celebrate, your life here on earth,
So much has come from your union,
But we know we're headed, to a better place,
The greatest family reunion.

Blessings to you, Grandma and Grandpa,
God fill you with peace and grace.
Fill your home and family with happiness,
He is our resting place.



Here's a poem I wrote called "You Inspire." It's one of the few I've written that doesn't rhyme.

13. You Inspire

     by Paul Berchtold, August 2010

You inspire me.
You're my hero(es).
You're such a good example.
I want to be like you.

You inspire respect.
Years in the school of hard knocks.
Work, experience, toil.
You have wisdom, influence.

You inspire courage.
Brave in the big things,
Because faithful in the small.
Strong. A gentle strength.

You inspire loyalty.
Faithful to duty.
Faithful to God and country.
Faithful to each other.

You inspire learning.
Eager to explore. Discover.
Read books. Enjoy. Share.
Hungry, thirsty for the best.

You inspire perseverance.
Years go by, you still show the way.
You excel in what you're good at.
You light the way for so many others.

You inspire love.
Generous. Sacrificing.
Kind and sweet.
Like desert after dinner.

Yes, you inspire sweetness.
Especially you, grandmother.
Not from sugar and spice.
But from deep within your heart.

You inspire life.
Living life to the fullest.
Blooming like flowers in your garden.
Time passes. Time is precious.

You inspire me.
You're my hero(es).
You're such a good example.
I want to be like you.


             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

You are welcome to use and share this poem, provided you follow the Poem Terms and Conditions.

We Appreciate Their Sacrifices

Our grandparents made sacrifices that we hardly understand. Sacrifices of hard work, disappointment, war, disasters, famine, floods. A whole lifetime of experience.

Many times grandparents put on a nice face. But it's a fact of life, the older we get, we seem to have a few more problems and difficulties, like health problems, hearing problems, or living on a tight budget.

As much as they give to us, they need our encouragement too. Inspire them, encourage them, and appreciate them with Grandparents Day poems. And not just in September, but all year around.

And the best thing you can do for them? Pray for them. Ask God to help them in every difficulty. Tell God how much you appreciate them.

And don't forget to tell them yourself. If you can't always do it in person, do it by phone, a thank you card, a gift, a poem.

How Quickly Time Passes!

All four of my grandparents are gone. I hope and pray they are in a much better place enjoying union and friendship with God. They made many sacrifices to lead their families in the knowledge, love, and service of God, as I mention in this grandparents poem.

They now have many offspring to the fourth and fifth generations, at least. We all are the beneficiaries of their lives of dedication and commitment to God, family, and country.

We all will pass from this world. I hope to see my grandparents and my ancestors in heaven. They made so many sacrifices to pass on the torch, to make it easier for us. I think we'll be amazed at all the hidden sacrifices and prayers they made for us. May these grandparents poems be a blessing for each of them, and all of us.

Thank your stars!

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