New Years Eve Poems
for December 31,
the Last Day of the Year

Evergreens in Snow and Gray
These New Years Eve Poems are appropriate for the day and evening of December 31st.

On the last day of the year it is very good to meditate on the passing of time, and how we must face God when we die, because our time on earth will someday run out.

Now is the time to repent of our sins over the past year.

And then, no matter how difficult this past year has been, let's not forget to thank God for his abundant gifts and blessings he has given each one of us over these last 12 months.

180. Repentance Time

     by Paul Berchtold, October, 2011

Awake, awake from sleeping fast,
Sounds the clanging tower bell.
This year passes, this day is last.
God knows the truth you'd best had tell.

Now's the time to repent of sin,
Reflect how much we hurt, offend.
At the cross we are forgiven.
Only there can we find a mend.

New Year's Eve is to remember,
We will one day take our last breath,
When life departs as the last ember,
Was time spent well before your death?

Will death be in peace or danger?
Are you ready to see God face?
Will you see his face in anger?
Or will he smile on you with grace?

Yet fools this very night abuse,
They stack their sins in mockery,
By wasting time they will life lose,
God will smash them like crockery.

Some won't return from tavern bars,
They fight or fall at party bash,
Some get hit by drunks driving cars,
And some are killed in auto crash.

So let's be sober, wise in God's fear,
Use well this time, take special care,
May God find us at change of year,
Confessing sin in peaceful prayer.

Dear God, forgive the sins we do,
We have truly made such a mess,
We beg your mercy and pardon too,
With sorrow we our sins confess.

God, have mercy on sinners poor,
Help them be wise, it is their choice,
For how we live decides death's door,
To hell go, or with you rejoice.

181. I Can, Therefore I Choose

     by Paul Berchtold, October, 2011

Looking over this passing year,
I could find reasons to complain,
The loss of many friends so dear,
And all my aches and lots of pain.

I could lock on the negative,
Gloomy thoughts on which to dwell.
Or I can choose the positive,
Blessings I have received as well.

About things I could be whining,
Overcast clouds and feelings blue.
But still, in rain, when sun's not shining,
There is some light filtering through.

Thank you God for your great care,
Your wise concern, how you provide,
With loving hands you always share,
Many gifts, or I should have died.

Food in the pantry on the shelf,
A place to live, water to drink,
Air to breathe and life itself,
Else I know I'd be on the brink.

Thank you God for helping me live,
Each and every day and moment,
Thank you for every gift you give,
Especially the Son you sent.

Thanks for your blessings this past year,
All three hundred sixty five days,
Each day of loss, each day with cheer,
God, I choose to thank you always!


             Poems by Paul Berchtold
      © Copyright - All rights reserved.

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More New Years Eve Poems

I wrote many short poems about time that can be quite appropriate for New Years Eve.

There are also poems for New Years Day, thanking God and asking his blessings on the New Year.

A Time for Reflection

New Year's Eve is a special time for reflection.

We are grateful we've made it alive through the year.

Every day, about 150,000 people die, or a little over 100 per minute. In a year, some 50-60 million people die.

About 2.5 million American die each year, or about 7000 a day.

Thousands of visitors visit this site every year. The odds are, some who read this, won't be alive next year.

The odds are, no one reading this today, will be alive on earth in a hundred years.

Sooner or later, every one of us dies.

It pays to learn about eternal life. And then spend our time on earth - which is a time of testing - preparing to face God at the end of our lives.

We don't know when that is. It could be today, tonight, tomorrow.

As God says in the bible, His Holy Word, "My people are being destroyed because they don't know me." (Hosea 4:6)

And "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keeps the law is blessed." (Proverbs 29:18)

The 4 Last Ends

The 4 last ends of mankind are death, judgment, heaven or hell.

Every person, without exception, will experience 3 of the 4. And the last of the 3 is forever.

Church writers are quoted as saying, Think of your end, and you will not sin.

A Time of Sorrow

All of us have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

New Year's Eve is a special opportunity to tell God we're sorry for our sins.

He is our Creator and Judge, and can be very demanding, as he will be, if we don't repent.

But in this life, if we truly repent, he is merciful. He is a loving Father to those who come back to him, before it is too late.

A Time of Thanksgiving

The last day of the year is also a great time of thanksgiving.

I remember growing up, our church would sing a hymn of thanksgiving every December 31st on New Year's Eve.

Like Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America, it's a special time to remember God's many blessings over the past year.

We have made it alive. Many people haven't.

Who gives us life and time? Who blesses us far more than we deserve?

We owe God our deepest thanks.

It's time to prove it, by devoting all our lives to serving him, and serving others according to his plan.

Thank your stars!

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